Friday, November 26, 2010

Transition to Retirement

To try and contain this:
To try and Define this,
To make a list of all it's parts,
How does "the Bridge" work/function??
WHAT does it require to "Be All It Can Be"?? [a Goal , but not have to be attained]

This has always contained "Challenge - Success", Always had an important "Social" component, need to always have a healthy respect for "Control" , "Balance" is important,Adventure, Curiosity

Took for Granite (or took for Granted??) Enabling/Entitlement ="Look forward to doing This"

Making a Profit, making Money, are not very important , [>4 headed for > 2012]
"Meaningful Challenge" vs "meaningful amount of money" "to be Spent, not ever growing
savings ("just enough to have Economic Freedom")
USES - second Home/Apt/, 2nd SUV/Pickup, Build 3 car Garage, Decks/windows

This should make 'Life worth living', 'makes my heart sing', on the simple level, 'be fun', look forward to 'plans', 'goals', challenges

What are the req for "Eccentricities"?? Success (financial, achievement, strength...)
What is the "Glue" that holds all the parts of a satisfying Retirement together??
What's to be avoided or minimized? Boredom, empty routines, just getting through time, meaningless 'Fluff', ....... taking inventory now and then and adjusting the "Good and Bad".


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